The United States of Kailasa was announced by Nithyanda by 2020 after escaping from India. The government of India has a search warrant to arrest Nithyanda, but he has escaped to his own island. This report was announced by the members of Kailasa. but the report says there is no separate island for him. So far he should be in India, it may be.

After a long day, on February 22 and 24, 2023, there is a UNO conference called the COMMUNITY ON ECONOMIC SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS (CESCR). The UN has scheduled the conference for February 22 and 23, 2023, following the corona.


Many organizations, representatives, people, and even countries participated in this conference.

The main thing that we noticed was that our Nithyananda Kailasa members also joined this conference.

I know you're wondering if Kailasa has become a member of the United Nations.

The answer is no. But how will they attend the conference?

In this conference, anyone can attend and mention their thoughts. We can register on the UN website, and we can even attend the conference.


So far, only the members of Kailasa (VIJAYA PRIYA NITHYANANDA) have attended the conference.

UN has a separate process to join the United Nations:

They are,

The Security Council should announce or support the country's request to join as a member country.

All UN member countries should accept their country's invitation to become a member of UN.

Thailand is another country that is battling to become a member of the United Nations.



In this conference, the member of Kailasa mentioned their queries that,

Kailasa was a Hindu country, and 2 billion Hindus are living in this world.

Food, livestock, and medicine are all provided for free, as is education...

 Their main point is to announce the Kailasa as a separate country and to join the Kailasa at the UN.








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